The dawn of realisation is upon me. I will shortly have to pay the first installment of BVC fees and it's not a happy prospect. Money has never been very important to me, it's nice to have a bit, it's awful to have none, but it hasn't been a significant motivation in my career to date. Having said that, I'm now more than a little concerned because I'm going to be in debt to the tune of £13k+ by the time I finish BVC. I work, but will be looking at reducing my hours come August, so what I do earn during BVC will only pay for the usual utility bills etc., hence there may be little prospect of chipping away at the debt over the next two years.
So, today I'm feeling quite depressed about it all and this is a worry because I'm usually a quite an optimistic person.
Going back a few years (well 20 odd if you must), I started a little part-time business to earn a bit of extra cash and the business grew a little and provided me with a reasonable income for many years. I really enjoyed what I did for a living, but due to circumstances beyond my control (foot and mouth disease of all things!), the business very nearly went under and it was a wake up call, perhaps it was time to have a re-think about my career.
My original intention when starting my legal studies, was to become a (hands on) property developer and to carry out my own conveyancing etc.. However, house prices (around my locality) have at least doubled if not trebled within the last 7 years, so this dream may well not be realised, unless of course property prices drop significantly by the time I finish BVC. Conversely, conveyancing charges have become so competitive, that my little money saving idea is not so significant after all.
In between times, I started another little business, which is doing okay and I have a huge advantage in the flexibility that being one's own boss allows, but it is quite a boring job, not very challenging academically and doesn't really 'float my boat' in the way that your own business should.
So, bloggers, this leaves me with the unenviable task of trying to make a new path, one that will be, above all else, a pleasure to travel down, but will also enable me to pay off that bloody BVC loan.
How are businesses split in divorce?
1 day ago
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