Sunday 26 July 2009

Proud Owner of an AWARD


What can I say?

A very big thankyou to the lovely Chambers without whom, none of this would be possible. I've never felt so modest, being rejected 37 times is a truly glorious accolade from such a singularly mediocre set, and as you can imagine, receiving 36 of them within the space of a few hours made me feel so very special.

Also a big round of applause to my provider, without whom I'd have never had so many wrinkles, grey hairs, homework and well, books! They drive a hard bargain, but I'm banking on them to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse before next June:-)

Good luck to the rest of you who have yet to aspire to such dizzy heights of success, and a special thankyou to Lawminx for the lovely, award ceremony spread - curly sandwiches, soggy sausage rolls and the amazingly delicious homemade desert of squirty cream with prawns.

But seriously, all the very best to those of you who are awaiting news on the 31st.


Android said...

Congrats, Barmaid! :)))

Minx said...

My Dear Maid,

Damn my caterers!! The squirty Cream was SUPPOSED to go on the mouldy Sausage Rolls! Will they NEVER get ANYTHING right?! This is what you get for hiring the cheffing staff of Inner Temple!!!!!

(Seriously, though, I wanted to give a small virtual gift to thank you for doing a lovely job of blogging, sincerely meant, and as designed by Andro - so glad to see you managed to crack the code!!)

Barmaid said...

Thankyou ladies, I'm quite sure that success of an even greater height is just on the horizon for the both of you.

I did indeed crack the code, I await my extradition to the USA for just punishment:-)

As regards the blogging, the pleasure's all mine, where else could I whinge and whine to such a degree? I firmly believe that it keeps me sane:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, great blog by the way!

I just wanted to ask -which Inn do you belong to and why was this your choice?

Sorry, having a little trouble with deciding between Inner and Middle Temple!


Barmaid said...

Hi Anon,

I'm Lincoln's Inn. I have quite a few friends who are with Inner Temple and they seem to like it. I'm sure that I'll get shot down for this, but I don't think there's too much to choose between them?

Anonymous said...

Well done BM

Choose middle. It may be the only time you ever get to wear a wig.

simply wondered said...

i have found being at middel a very positive experience: lots of scholarships awarded; very good mooting competition - they have unlimited entry and a number of rounds rather than one inn (lincolns?) where they ration places and lots of people make it to a 'final'. so getting to a final or semi out of 80 entrants and mooting in front of benchers in hall is really something and more importantly people who see it on the cv tend to know it is.
above all, be really pragmatic in your choice of inn - will you get an award? do they arrange marshalling? (friends in another inn found they had 'stopped' organising marshalling leaving them to try and find some themselves which is fine if dad is a judge but less easy otherwise); how good is the mentoring? how many places are there on advocacy training (you learn much more than at the bvc classes, i think)?
what student supprot do they offer? pupillage depends on very small margins - see if you can make them work in your favour.

simply wondered said...

'middel' looks rather olde worlde, dontchathink? was just a typo, though.

Barmaid said...

Indeed 'middel' is kinda olde worlde, along with 'student supprot' :-)

barboy said...

I am happy to put in a word for Inner, otherwise known as the Inn of Choice for the discerning student. Student activities are plentiful and there are educational events (lectures, presentational skills courses etc) which are not only very good but also count as qualifying sessions, meaning that you have less relaince on formal dining than elsewhere. The mooting and debating societies are very active.

Advocacy training, whilst being optional and limited to a day for BVC students, was flawless in my experience. The trainers are superb and you learn loads whilst having a good laugh.

The mentoring is OK and student support generally is very good. The perception is that Inner is less stuffy and pompous than certain other Inns.

Barmaid said...

barboy, I think that you may be struggling to find the right words to describe I.T's criteria - 'less stuffy and pompous'. I think perhaps you meant to say 'they'll take anyone' :-)

Anonymous said...

One thing I wish I'd known when I was deciding between inns: there are very different costs for student dining and other activities. Inner seems to be lowest priced and Lincolns highest. It doesn't make a huge difference to me, but I'm thinking it might to some people and this was not something any of the inns mentioned when I went on tours.

barboy said...

Inner is said to be the cheapest (yes, BM, I know, I know). An hour long lecture by an appeal court judge (which counts as a qualifying session) plus free plonk and nibbles costs a mere £6.. A standard formal dining evening is £13 a pop this coming term. In London, you would struggle to find an equivalent standard restaurant meal for less than £50 a head.

Even if a student picked the most expensive options for their qualifying sessions, the total cost would be only £150-ish. Which, compared to the actual BVC cost, is outstandingly good value.