Friday, 11 September 2009

Normal(ish) Service is Resumed

This was the look on Cyril's face when I told him that he was in fact munching on his Uncle Cedric, who had been 'bagged' and dispensed into a packet of Walkers Cajun Squirrel Crisps.

It's back to BVC for me tomorrow and my tired little brain is not looking forward to the forthcoming cerebral gymnastics. Oh well, having both enjoyed and endured (in varying degrees) my 7 years of law studies to date, this year I hope will be the final push towards getting a pupillage, or if not, well, we'll just have to decide what Plan B really is.

If only I could muster up at least a little enthusiasm!

For some reason spell check has vanished from my blog toolbar, so I apologise in advance for my dreadful spelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the start of second year is a bit depressing for everyone given the post pupillage application lull etc etc. Once you are into it you will soon pick up spirits again and do marvellously well. It will fly by, and you have lots of fun classes ahead such as more avocacy, and I really enjoyed drafting!