Monday 22 March 2010

Some people! And exams

I'm not one for hoarding stuff, so do like to have a good clear out of 'junk' when Barman isn't looking.

A few years ago I found a really useful website for offloading excess 'junk'. The thing is, it's meant to be taken in the spirit of give and take, a point which seems to have been completely overlooked by a recent visitor to the site. Their offering was an empty Quality Street tin. Oh, and they also posted a wanted ad for a few bits and bobs that they required:

a) A ride-on mower (in good working order);

b) 2 x 3 seater leather sofas (only the really comfy squishy kind), brown and in excellent condition.

And if that wasn't cheeky enough, they also asked for them to be delivered:-) All completely free of charge of course.

Back to school this weekend and the final compulsory BVC exam - the third Advocacy exam. It's been a bit like pulling teeth trying to raise any enthusiasm at all for the work and given that it's only just over a week ago that I had the Negotiation and Advocacy 2 exams, I'm still fretting over them and the likely grade that I am to receive.

Although most of the exams are completed, there's still the small matter of results. Most are out at the end of April, just one in June and the 2 Options exams results are out in July. So, even though most exams are done and dusted, I haven't much idea at this point what result I shall get. To date I have just 5 results under my belt, with a further 8 results in total to follow. There are delays with some of the results and I hope for the sake of my sanity that those delays don't stretch too far into the future. Something tells me that I shall be a jelly fish at the end of April if/when the results are released.

I did think at the time that I commenced BVC, that it was a good idea to have continual exams throughout the course; little did I know what stress those continual exams would cause. Maybe after this weekend I shall feel a little more relaxed about it all?

Oh well, onwards and upwards, and good luck to everyone in the same boat as me this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, BM! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past couple of years and hope it goes really well for you when you get your last few lots of results.

Barmaid said...

Thanks Anon, your kind words are much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

You will be fine Barmaid I have every faith"

I went through Hell with freecyle - always the same people taking the P!! Then some bird kept emailing me to "chat". Not as good an idea as i first supposed, so i went back to being a land filler.

Barmaid said...

Hi LG and thanks for the 'every faith'.

Yup, freecycle does tend to flush em all out of the woodwork:-)

Beth said...


Don't tell me that! We're hoping to get rid of our manky old sofa via freecycle. (The guy is due to collect it tomorrow.)

No takers for our manky old upholstered chair. I think it will have to go to the landfill.

Barmaid said...

You'll be fine Beth, I've gotten rid of loads of stuff on Freecycle (and acquired a Billy bookcase for my ever increasing law book collection).

Some of the people are odd and cheeky, but it's just a matter of being firm. I've never had any bother apart from the idiots that say they want something but then fail to collect it.

AW said...

Whats freecycle?

Barmaid said...

AW - Freecycle is a site for getting rid of unwanted 'stuff'. There are local groups throughout country. People post ads saying what's up for grabs (or wanted) and the ads are emailed to group members.

Anonymous said...


No worries - i largly jest - i did get rid of LOADS of stuff - but always to the same 2 or 3 people who were clearly selling some of it (WHERE though I ask!!!)(and one who was just clearly trying to make friends as per previous comment) as they couldn't possibly have wanted that much c*rp themselves. But i did have many many many people (as BM was saying) not turn up - and i just got to the stage i couldn't cope a)with the repete weirdo callers
b)wasting my time waiting around!!

Bar-barella said...


How can you leave me?
I am totally in awe of your blog.
You'll make a fantastic barrister.

Good luck!
